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  • 21-1 <i>Rouen Cathedral</i>, Monet width:312;;height:480
  • 21-2 <i>Luncheon of the Boating Party</i>, Renoir width:640;;height:475
  • 21-3 <i>Paris: A Rainy Day</i>, Caillebotte width:640;;height:478
  • 21-4 <i>The Tub</i>, Degas width:480;;height:480
  • 21-5 <i>The Bath</i>, Cassatt width:289;;height:480
  • 21-6 <i>At the Moulin Rouge</i>, Toulouse-Lautrec width:552;;height:480
  • 21-7 <i>A Sunday on La Grande Jatte</i>, Seurat width:639;;height:480
  • 21-8 <i>Where Do We Come From? What are we? Where Are We Going?</i>, Paul Gaugin width:640;;height:231
  • 21-9 <i>The Night Cafe</i>, Van Gogh width:581;;height:480
  • 21-10 <i>The Basket of Apples</i>, Cezanne width:621;;height:480
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